I have absolutely loved Calia's Cottage and how much fun I have had with this little craft business. I have enjoyed making all the little crafts and more then anything spending time with both Amy and Kristen as we explored the best craft fairs to sell at in Tacoma.
With that said, I also created the business thinking maybe it could generate a little income when we went to a single income family when we have little ones. That is clearly not happening for me. The time spent making everything does not nearly compensate for the items sold.
So with that said, I am closing the doors on Calia's Cottage for this season in life.
Not to say it will never come back again, but for now with our new adventure of In Vitro that will hopefully keep us VERY busy with a kiddo soon, it is time I say good-bye.
I am so very excited to explore this next phase in life as well as my new interest in Young Living Essential Oils. But that is a post for another day.
I do have a few things left on my easy shop.
So with that said, here are a few fun pictures of our different craft fairs.
First round with the UPS Flea Market and yes it was freezing. |
Our second time at the Proctor Arts Fest. Also the Kristen's Facebook debut as a pregnant lady. |
Our final craft fair together at the UPS Flea Market with our little matching aprons. |
It truly has been an amazingly fun ride. We will see what the future holds!
And lastly, thank you everyone for your amazing support. It would not have been as successful as it was without all of you!