For years I sent emails to keep everyone posted about Thomas military stuff and his deployments. 5 actually. I was nuts.
I finally got smart and moved it to a blog format.
Long Sleeves in a Short Person World (right here!)
This blog was more about every day life such as good food, freezer cooking, gardening, books, adventures and travel.
We then Moved to a different blog.
The Invention of Tiny Toes
This was the years of our lives when we were in the thick of infertility and you all lovingly walked the road of treatments and appointments with us.
I came back here to Long Sleeves in a Short Person World for a season to track Adlers first 11 months. I never did get that 12th month written. 😂 Maybe some day? Probably not.
Honestly, most of our daily life is lived on Instagram or Facebook. Seriously the easiest platform for a young mom! So you can join us there to see all the Kucera adventures!
It has been so fun looking back at the seasons of communication I have had with you all. And I wanted to tell you about the next season I am moving in to that aligns naturally with the way we have been leaning.
The 5 years it took for us to grow our family, we intentionally cleaned up the way we ate to more whole non processed foods. We aren’t perfect and strive for an 80-20 balance. In our homes we are intentional about what we eat. (Guys I have been meal planning for the first time ever and love it!) The 20% consists of eat some out, eating some organic sugar (I made a chocolate cake with coconut sugar and flaxseed today!!), and eating things we don’t normally eat in our home, at other people’s houses. Because of our intentionality we feel awesome and can definitely feel a difference when we eat crappy food too often!
The other thing we intentionally researched and cleaned up, were the toxins in our homes. Yes these are cleaning products. And so much more! Not just the shampoos and toothpastes, but the toys Adler plays with, plastic ware, microwaves, chlorine in our shower water, and even the pillows we sleep on! There are so many toxins in our homes you all!
We started using Young Living almost 5 years ago. It has made a world of difference for us! Honestly is has saved us so much money because I never go to Target any more! 😂 How do these 2 things tie together? Young Living is a company that started with just the purest of pure essential oils and moved to adding in all the pruducts that we used to use that were full of toxins that are now toxin free and boosting our immune systems!
That being said, I am switching platforms again. With intentionality of living, another part of simplifying our lives was realizing that I only have so many hours in my day! And this is something that I want to share about. Yes, you will still get some pictures of my kiddo mixed through out it too! You probably won't see me over here on this blog much any more. If ever. Ok maybe if we have another kid I can do a full 12 months for them. Or maybe I will only make it to 6 months. Stretch goals!!!
I am so close to getting my website up and running! And a part of it will be where I can blog again! Yes I will be sharing about how to incorporate young living oils into your daily routine to give your body the extra boost it needs to live your very best life. I will also be sharing why to switch out the current soaps and cleaners you use now, with YL. If those two things haven’t already reeled you in, I will also be sharing how to switch out the toxic things in your home with non toxic things like cookwear, tampons (yep ladies, even those!), paper towels, and air fresheners. And I will be sharing about how I use oils on Adler, which products Thomas reaches for daily, and of course little bits of our lives as well. All the things I have researched over the years and wish someone shared with me!!
So head on over and sign up for my free guide to which oils I use daily. It will keep you connected to me to hear all the random thoughts you have been listening to for the past 11 years.
So head on over and sign up for my free guide to which oils I use daily. It will keep you connected to me to hear all the random thoughts you have been listening to for the past 11 years.
Just another way to stay connected and share what is on my heart these days to my favorite people.
And here are a few pictures of our day, because most of you are probably reading all the way to the bottom in hopes that you will see Adler's face. Hehe.