How far along? 4 Weeks
Bab(ies) is/are the size of: A poppy seed or a milimeter long (each). Teeny tiny little humans.
What did the bab(ies) just develop: The central nervous system, the heart, upper limbs, lower limbs (skeleton), hair, skin, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver,
thyroid, blood system, connective tissue, urogenital system, muscles and towards the end of the week, ears, and eyes!
Gender: Who knows?!
How Many: Who knows?! Two weeks until we know!
Showing a Bump: Nope. Don't even feel "full" yet.
How Many: Who knows?! Two weeks until we know!
Showing a Bump: Nope. Don't even feel "full" yet.
Maternity Clothes: I sure hope not yet. Although I did have to put my tightest pair of jeans away because they hurt my stomach. Although I still fit in them thank you very much!
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: I’m fine so far! Although I have had to get up to go to the bathroom almost every night which is not the norm for me.
Movement: Lots of twinges, but no movement.
Best moment this week: Robyn bringing me 3 flowers to celebrate because there is the possibility of 3!
Miss Anything: My HCG number was 47 on Tuesday to give us our positive pregnancy test! Oh and also the little things are already entombed in their placenta's.
Belly button in or out? In
Food cravings: Still craving anything salty.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still don't really care for the sweet stuff, but there have been a few things I just have not wanted to finish.
Labor Signs: Definitely not.
Symptoms/Side Effects: Feeling twinges, "stuff" going on in my abdomen area, anxiety, back just started hurting, and when I bend forward too much, my stomach starts to protest, because it is uncomfortable.
Wedding ring on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty much happy with a few moody moments.
Looking forward to: Finding out if the numbers went up a ton! It could mean multiples!!
Anything else you all want to know? Because this isn't too much information already!? You're welcome.
And yes I am going to do this once a week. This may be my only pregnancy and I am going to document the heck out of it! And you all get to be on that ride with me! Aren't you excited for that?!