In an effort to relax in life, I decided to just put my clothes away however.
Well, this lasted all of about 6 months. I couldn't do it.
I think part of it was the lack of organization, but the other part was the fact that my brain just doesn't work that way. I needed to have my shirts organized by color and sleeve length. Half the time I couldn't figure out what I wanted to wear when they were just hung up in a disorganized way.

So my closet it back to normal.
And in the rest of my house, 5 out of the 8 rooms we have gone through what we are going to sell at our garage sale. A first for me. Both going through my house while thinking about living minimally, and selling it instead of just giving it away at Goodwill.
But I am succeeding in simplifying our life just like I talked about back in January. Slowly but surely we are minimizing. And I am making as much stuff reusable as possible! Including the tissues, paper towels, and napkins that we use on a daily basis. Although I will NEVER go as far as reusable toilet paper. That is just wrong.
If you are interested in buying them, let me know! I currently have reusable snack and sandwich baggies on etsy, but I just bought stuff to make reusable grocery bags, reusable fruit and veggie bags for shopping, and I am in the middle of making the reusable paper towels. And of course I am looking into the napkins and tissues. Have to fully think through those ideas.
Up-cycling is the newest thing! And I am all for jumping on that bandwagon!
Up-cycling is the newest thing! And I am all for jumping on that bandwagon!