…. She will be able to create a wonderful dinner.
It all started with this.

8 years ago when my sister threw me a bridal shower she asked all the gals attending to give me a spice and a copy of their favorite recipe. And for the last 8 years I have religiously ONLY used this recipe for my pie crust, this pastry blender, and this pastry cloth that Lynne Westphal gave to me.
Lynne was the wife of my basketball coach at Point Loma Nazarene University. She was the one who offered up her lovely peaceful home to me during the week before my wedding in San Diego and fed me all of her delicious healthy food. It was such a respite.
And I wouldn't have met her if my high school coach Roger Tate would not have pushed me all 4 years to be able to play basketball in college.
Lynne also gave me the recipe for Scotch Pie. I adapted it over the years and turned it into just sprinkling cinnamon sugar over the pie crust scraps and baking them! But every time I make them I think of her.
So 3 years later when I started making pot pies, I started using the pie dish she bought for me also.
As I started to make the rest of my pot pie for dinner, I thought of JoAnn Johnson, whom I got the pot pie recipe from.

I met JoAnn at church up here in Tacoma, WA and really got to know her and her amazing cooking over the years as we ate together on a weekly basis in our community group.
She also is the one whom now that we are in different community groups walks with me once a week and shares life with me as a sweet sister in Christ.
As I made the pot pie, I grinned as I grabbed the bag of frozen veggies that my sweet friend Laura Euler gave me right before the Air Force moved her. Another person I adore was taking part of our dinner and didn't even know it! I still have your baggie clip friend!
As I looked at my dinner I also noticed that the dressing on my salad was one that I took from another friend Kristen Robbins.

She invited us over for dinner one night and all we had to do was bring salad. So I decided to be suzy home maker and make my own dressing. Welp the salt got a little crazy and lets just say that she had made this dressing and we ended up using it instead.
And now it is the salad dressing that Thomas and I use on a daily basis.
There are the glasses curtsy of Thomas' brother Christian. One was from his Australian adventure and the other from his bachelor party.
And then of course the Apple Cider was pressed in the real wooden press that a co-workers uncle had that has been in their family for ages.
And the apples were from our tree that we rent every year at the Curran Apple Orchard in University Place, WA, which we would not have known about had it not been for Randi Samples doing and then telling us about.
Needless to say, dinner tonight made me so incredibly thankful for not only every person I mentioned above, but every single friend I have, because you all have had a very profound impact on my life. Even if only for a second, I can guarantee that I have a memory of you and it comes up at the most random times and makes me thankful.
And yes, as I was thinking about this post, all I could think of was, "If you give a mouse a cookie." But more along the lines of, "If you give Mica some friends, she will forever be thankful."
So Lynna, JoAnn, Tate, Laura, Kristen, Christian, Lana, and Randi…. Thank you for joining us for dinner tonight. :)
So Lynna, JoAnn, Tate, Laura, Kristen, Christian, Lana, and Randi…. Thank you for joining us for dinner tonight. :)