~ Monthly Letter ~
Dear Adler,You were definitely bored with me after camping two of the weekends. And then later in the month you had a couple of friends come over to play and you loved being with them! You just followed them around the house much to their dismay. You my boy, are a people person.
Food. You don't love all food, but every time you see us eat, you want that food in your mouth.
You are starting to cruise across things. You also pushed to standing from dada's knee for the first time.
You also had a phase where you fussed a little when you didn't get what you wanted. By the end of the month that for the most part seemed to be phased out.
The kitchen helper where you stand and watch me make food is definitely a favorite. And of course reaching up to play the piano is a daily thing.
You survived your first of the yearly yard sales. You loved playing with all the random toys and loved on all the random people of course. We also had your first time in a pool where you proceeded to throw up 5 times because you had never been in that much chlorine.
You started drinking out of your sippy cup all on your own. And you responded to me when I called your name for the first time! Whew! You actually know your name is Adler and don't think it is short stack or sweet boy. :)
We haven't signed a lot with you, but you are starting to respond to the All Done sign and the Milk sign.
The toy walker that we keep books in was pulled out. You just took off and even figured out the first day how hard you needed to push to get over the lip of things like the carpet. Your coordination rocks!
The weather was pretty great and we started going to the park more. That was super fun to see you interact with everything. You really play amazingly well all by yourself though. We did get out your dada's tractors and you love them. You "vroom" them every where.
One weekend, your dada spent a ton of time with you. He said when he went back to work on Monday, he really missed you.
I still nurse you to sleep at night, but more and more after you nurse, you roll over and turn away from me and settle into your own sleeping space. Quite independent. I also adore the way your soft little hands touch my arm as you fall asleep. Either that or you hit my chest.
The dishwasher is your favorite thing! Every time it is open, you head straight for it. We don't mind you playing in the water or on the little grate, but we don't want you to crawl on it and you love to do that.
Sometimes when you get really determined, you jut your chin out. And your new thing is to open and close doors. Even though you do get frustrated when you get stuck behind them.
I had to come home from an event because you woke up crying and you wouldn't let your dada sooth you.
First hair cut in the books! You were looking quite shaggy and Mary made you look sharp!
You also figured out how to open the kitchen cabinets and we are teaching you how to respect the stuff inside. You seem to be doing pretty well at it. You were also babysat by Grandpa Ger at Cabelas while I got my teeth cleaned.
You are learning to take things out. We went with your dada to pick apples and you took them out of the bin while he put them in. It was quite comical. You are also learning how to climb and explore everything around our house. Just figuring out what you can do and what your surroundings are.
Definitely on the move and giggling like crazy with a hint of frustration when hungry or tired. Summer has been super fun with you though! Can't wait to see what fall brings us.
~ Monthly Photos ~

As I look through all these pictures, I see that you are exploring every part of our home, which I love! We have set a few boundaries, but overall you are doing really well with not destroying anything. You love climbing, tractors, walking with your walker, and putting everything into your mouth.